by Harpreet Sandhu | Jul 15, 2022 | Announcements, Blog, Mortgage
In an effort to stabilize the economy and curtail rising inflation and hot housing markets, the Bank of Canada (BoC) has been steadily increasing interest rates – most recently on July 13th when the overnight rate rose a full percent, which was the fourth consecutive...
by Harpreet Sandhu | Jul 1, 2022 | Blog, Homeownership
Ottawa has launched the first phase of its Canada Greener Home Loan program, which offers interest-free loans to Canadians planning upgrades that will have a significant impact in reducing their home’s environmental footprint. The program provides interest-free loans...
by Harpreet Sandhu | Jun 17, 2022 | Blog, Homeownership, Mortgage
As the number of Canadians living alone continues to rise and the average size of households shrinks, the idea of the “nuclear family” as the typical Canadian household isn’t as accurate as it has been in past decades. If you’re buying a home on your own and wish to...
by Harpreet Sandhu | Jun 3, 2022 | Blog, Economy, Finance, Homeownership
Over the past few years, house prices have seen staggering growth, rising significantly faster than average incomes and making the dream of homeownership increasingly difficult. Rising interest rates and relentless competition are also contributing to a sizzling...
by Harpreet Sandhu | May 20, 2022 | Blog, Homeownership, Mortgage
Buying a home can be challenging, especially when you’re saving up for a down payment based on higher property values in a hot market, as well as budgeting for closing costs, furniture, home improvements and so on. Fortunately, there were a number of new and renewed...
by Harpreet Sandhu | Apr 22, 2022 | Blog
In recognition of Earth Day on April 22nd, many households plan to get connected with the earth by helping create meaningful change and making the planet a healthier place to live. This is also a great opportunity to show your kids how being a responsible homeowner or...